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Solid is powered by a community of passionate volunteers committed to the project's success. As of October 2024, the Open Data Institute (ODI) has committed to provide organisational stewardship and support to the project.

Everyone is welcome in the Solid community - discover ways to join and contribute to the Solid community.

Where to collaborate

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    Solid Project Forum

    Create and respond to comments, questions, and discussions happening in the community.

    Go to Solid Forum
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    Solid Matrix Chat

    The Solid Matrix Chat is a live chat where community members can connect.

    Go to Matrix
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    Solid Community Group

    Learn and work on Solid specifications.

    Go to Community Group


Discover Solid events taking place virtually and/or in person around the world.

Solid Events provide an opportunity to meet others who are working on Solid or are interested in Solid. Solid Events are run by people like you. If you are interested in coordinating a Solid Event near you, reach out to

Interested in speaking at an upcoming Solid World? Send an email to

Have another Solid oriented event to share? Make a pull request to the community page.

Subscribe to the events calendar below using the following calendars