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This specification defines a Linked Data-based protocol for sending notification to client application upon updates to resources in the Solid ecosystem while respecting resource-based access controls and privacy.

Status of This Document

This report was published by the Solid Community Group. It is not a W3C Standard nor is it on the W3C Standards Track. Please note that under the W3C Community Contributor License Agreement (CLA) there is a limited opt-out and other conditions apply. Learn more about W3C Community and Business Groups.


This section is non-normative.

The Solid Notification Protocol defines an extensible, HTTP-based framework by which client applications can receive notifications for HTTP resource changes.

A goal of the protocol defined by this specification is to enable interaction patterns both for cases where an HTTP client maintains an open connection to receive notifications as well as for cases where an HTTP client makes a request for notifications and then disconnects.

This specification is for:

  • Server developers that want to enable clients to listen for updates to particular resources.
  • Application developers who want to implement a client to listen for updates to particular resources.

In addition to this specification, readers might find the Use Cases and Requirements for Notifications Protocol [NOTIFICATIONS-UCR] document useful.


This section is non-normative.

The Solid Notification protocol defines a mechanism for client applications to discover notification services available for any given resource.

The following diagram shows the high-level interactions involved in discovering Notification Channels and Subscription Services.

Solid Notifications Flow Discovery

A Subscription Service allows Subscription Clients to request a customised Notification Channel.

The following diagram shows the high-level interactions involved in establishing a customised Notification Channel.

Solid Notifications Flow Subscription

A notification channel allows a Notification Sender to send notifications to a Notifications Receiver. A notification channel builds upon one of many established web protocols to exchange data, determining its type.

The following diagram illustrates the flow of data for those notification channel types in which a client establishes a subscription and then maintains a persistent connection to a notifications source are illustrated by the following diagram.

Solid Notifications Flow Receive From, where the receiver establishes connection to sender.

The following diagram illustrates the flow of data for those Notification channel types in which a client establishes a subscription and does not maintain a persistent connection to a notifications source:

Solid Notifications Flow Send To, where the sender delivers notifications to receiver.


Prefixes and Namespaces
Prefix Namespace Description
notify http://www.w3.org/ns/solid/notifications# Solid Notifications


This section describes the conformance model of the Solid Notifications Protocol.

Normative and Informative Content

All assertions, diagrams, examples, and notes are non-normative, as are all sections explicitly marked non-normative. Everything else is normative.

The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “SHOULD”, and “MAY” are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

The key words “strongly encouraged”, “strongly discouraged”, “encouraged", “discouraged", “can", “cannot”, “could”, “could not”, “might”, and “might not” are used for non-normative content.

Specification Category

The Solid Notifications Protocol identifies the following Specification Category to distinguish the types of conformance: API, notation/syntax, set of events, protocol.

Classes of Products

The Solid Notifications Protocol identifies the following Classes of Products for conforming implementations. These products are referenced throughout this specification.

Resource Server
A resource server builds on an HTTP server [RFC9110] and [RFC9112] by defining media types, HTTP header fields, and the behaviour of resources, as identified by link relations.
Discovery Client
A Discovery Client that builds on HTTP client [RFC9110], [RFC9112], and [FETCH] by defining behaviour in terms of fetching across the platform.
Subscription Client
A Subscription Client that builds on HTTP client [RFC9110], [RFC9112], and [FETCH] by defining behaviour in terms of fetching across the platform.
Subscription Server
A Subscription Server that builds on HTTP server [RFC9110] and [RFC9112].
Notification Sender
A Notification Sender is the sender of a notification acting in conformance to the product class of a notification channel type.
Notification Receiver
A Notification Receiver is the recipient of a notification acting in conformance to the product class of a notification channel type.


Interoperability occurs between Discovery Client–Resource Server, Subscription Client–Subscription Server, or Notification Sender–Notification Receiver, as defined by the Solid Notifications Protocol.

Discovery Client–Resource Server interoperability
Interoperability of implementations for Discovery Clients and Resource Servers is tested by evaluating an implementation’s ability to request and respond to HTTP messages that conform to the Solid Notifications Protocol.
Subscription Client–Subscription Server interoperability
Interoperability of implementations for Subscription Clients and Subscription Servers is tested by evaluating an implementation’s ability to request and respond to HTTP messages that conform to the Solid Notifications Protocol.
Notification Sender–Notification Receiver interoperability
Interoperability of implementations for Notification Sender and Notification Receiver is tested by evaluating an implementation’s ability to produce and consume content that adheres to the notification message data model and conforms to a particular notification channel type.


The Solid Notifications Protocol specifies a mechanism for discovery of notification capabilities on resources, customisation of notification channels through subscriptions, capabilities of notification channels, and methods for establishing a connection to a notification channel.

A Resource Server may provide notifications over a notification channel that might be of one of many notification channel types that build upon existing web protocols. Individual notification channel types may augment the discovery and subscription requirements of the notification protocol.

This specification uses JSON-LD [JSON-LD11] as the preferred data format, and https://www.w3.org/ns/solid/notifications-context/v1 as a URI for the JSON-LD context and as a value of the profile parameter used for content negotiation.

This specification does not require a specific authentication and authorization mechanism to be used with the Solid Notification Protocol. Implementations are encouraged to use existing approaches, such as those described in the Solid Protocol sections on Authentication and Authorization [SOLID-PROTOCOL].


The starting point for discovery is the resource which the notification is about, hereafter referred as the topic resource. Choosing the most appropriate topic resource from which to begin discovery is at the discretion of the Discovery Client, since notifications may be available for any resource for authorized access subjects.

Resource Servers enable Discovery Clients to discover description resources that are associated with a topic resource.

A description resource is an RDF document [RDF11-CONCEPTS] that includes information about the capabilities and features of a subscription service or notification channel.

Resource Servers can advertise subscription services that can be used to create notification channels:

  • for protected resource, which relies on capability URL to protect the channel;
  • with specific features required by the subscribing client.

Resource Servers can advertise existing notification channels to provide notifications:

  • for protected resource, which does not rely on capability URL to protect the channel;
  • for public read resource.

Description resources can be discovered as follows:

Resource Servers MUST accept requests targeting the description resource when the value of the Accept header indicates a preferred representation in application/ld+json [JSON-LD11].

Resource Servers MUST use the Description Resource Data Model in the description resource response content.

Example: Discovery of description resource.
HEAD https://example.org/guinan/profile

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Link: <https://example.org/guinan/profile.description>; rel="describedby"

GET https://example.org/guinan/profile.description
Accept: application/ld+json

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/ld+json


The subscriptions mechanism enables Subscription Clients to request notifications for changes on a particular resources using a customised notification channel.

A subscription service is an RDF document [RDF11-CONCEPTS] described with the Subscription Service Data Model that can be used by Subscription Clients to discover available features and customize the details of a subscription request.

A subscription request is an HTTP request that targets a subscription service by a Subscription Client requesting to receive notifications about one or more topic resources. The content of the subscription request describes the desired notification channel.

A subscription response is an HTTP response to a subscription request by a Subscription Server. The content of the subscription response describes the created notification channel.

Subscription Clients MUST use the Notification Channel Data Model, and in addition conform to a particular notification channel type in the subscription request content.

Subscription Servers MUST support the GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, and POST methods [RFC9110] on the subscription service.

Subscription Servers MUST accept requests on the subscription service when the value of the Accept header indicates a preferred representation in application/ld+json [JSON-LD11].

Subscription Servers MUST accept requests on the subscription service when the value of the Content-Type header indicates the content's media type in application/ld+json [JSON-LD11].

Subscription Servers MUST respond with a 415 status code for HTTP requests with unsupported values in the profile parameter.

Subscription Servers MUST respond with a 422 status code [RFC4918] when unable to process the contained instructions, including unrecognised JSON-LD context in representation data.

Subscription Servers MUST use the Notification Channel Data Model, and in addition conform to a particular notification channel type in the subscription response content.

Example: Subscription request and response.
GET https://websocket.example/subscription
Accept: application/ld+json

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/ld+json

POST https://websocket.example/subscription
Accept: application/ld+json
Content-Type: application/ld+json

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/ld+json

Notification Channel

A notification channel is a resource whose properties describe the immediately available notification interface with a specific notification channel type and established features following the Notification Channel Data Model.

Notification Sender MUST be able to produce message content using the Notification Message Data Model, in addition to conforming to a particular notification channel type.

Notification Receiver MUST be able to process message content using the Notification Message Data Model, in addition to conforming to a particular notification channel type.

Notification Channel Types

A notification channel type is a specific communication protocol that governs how classes of products can establish a connection to send and receive messages. A notification channel type is identified by a IRI used to both discover and establish the notification channels. A notification channel type can also require additional data formats or extend the core data models.

Note: Notification Channel Type Registry

Notification channel types are defined and published independently of this document. In order to help with the discovery of notification channel types that can be used with this specification, it is encouraged to register them in the Solid Technical Reports [SOLID-TECHNICAL-REPORTS] for maximum global interoperability. New notification channel types, along with changes to existing entries, can be requested by following the registry definition in Solid Technical Reports.

When defining IRIs for use with a notification channel type, it is considered best practice to publish the vocabulary and the JSON-LD context as publicly accessible documents.

Extensions incorporate additional features beyond what is defined in this specification. Extensions are strongly encouraged to not contradict nor cause the non-conformance of functionality defined in this specification.


Features describe custom properties of a notification channel. Description Resources may advertise a list of features that the Subscription Server can modify. Subscription Clients can modify these features to customise the details of a requested notification channel. Subscription clients can discover available features in a subscription service.

Some features are specific to a particular notification channel type while others may be used across all types. These shared features are listed as an initial baseline, though not all notification channel types are required to implement these. Individual notification channel types may define type-specific features. The list of common, shared features is not intended to be exhaustive.

The proposed or actual starting date and time of a notification channel with value represented in the xsd:dateTime datatype.
The proposed or actual ending date and time of a notification channel with value represented in the xsd:dateTime datatype.
The last known state of a topic resource with value represented in the xsd:string datatype.
The minimum amount of time to elapse between notifications sent to receiver with value represented in the xsd:duration datatype.
The media types that are acceptable by the recipient of a notification with value corresponding to the HTTP Accept header value [RFC9110].

Notification Message

A Notification Sender is triggered by a process to deliver notifications about one or more topic resources to a Notification Receiver.

Notification Senders can augment the JSON-LD Context definition and extend the content of notifications. See for example using multiple vocabularies.

Notification Receivers are encouraged to be aware that anything can be included in the notification message (depending on restrictions in place by the receiver, which are not defined by this specification but may be by a notification channel type), so when it comes to making use of notification data, receivers may want to take precautions when ascertaining the veracity of the contents.

Data Model

This section specifies the data models for description resource, subscription service, notification channel, and notification message.

Description Resource

The description resource has the following properties:

  • One id property to identify the description resource.
  • Zero, one, or many subscription properties to identify the available subscription services.
  • Zero, one, or many channel properties to identify the available notification channels.
Example: Representation of a description resource.
  "@context": [
  "id": "https://example.org/guinan/profile",
  "subscription": [{
    "id": "https://websocket.example/subscription",
    "channelType": "WebSocketChannel2023",
    "feature": ["endAt", "rate", "state"]
  "channel": [{
    "id": "https://channel.example/guinan/profile",
    "type": "WebSocketChannel2023",
    "topic": "https://example.org/guinan/profile",
    "receiveFrom": "wss://websocket.example/guinan/profile",
    "rate": "PT1M"

Subscription Service

The subscription service has the following properties:

  • One id property to identify the subscription service.
  • One channelType property to state the notification channel type.
  • Zero, one, or many feature properties to state the supported features.
Example: Representation of a subscription service.
  "@context": [
  "id": "https://websocket.example/subscription",
  "channelType": "WebSocketChannel2023",
  "feature": ["endAt", "rate", "state"]

Notification Channel

The notification channel has the following properties:

  • One id property to identify the notification channel.
  • One type property to state the notification channel type.
  • At least one topic property to identify the resource that the notifications are about.
  • Zero, one, or many properties stating a particular feature.

Where a Notification Receiver establishes the connection, the notification channel has the following additional property:

  • One receiveFrom property to identify the resource on the Notification Sender that can be used to establish a connection to receive notifications.

Where a Notification Sender pushes notifications, the notification channel in the subscription request has the following additional property:

  • Zero or one sendTo property to identify the resource where the Notification Receiver can accept notifications.

Where a Notification Sender pushes notifications, the notification channel in the subscription response has the following additional properties:

Example: Representation of a notification channel.
  "@context": [
  "id": "https://channel.example/ac748712",
  "type": "WebSocketChannel2023",
  "topic": "https://example.org/guinan/profile",
  "receiveFrom": "wss://websocket.example/d4cf3f19",
  "startAt": "2023-01-01T07:00:00.000Z",
  "endAt": "2023-01-01T09:00:00.000Z",
  "rate": "PT5M",
  "state": "e75-TFJH"

Notification Message

The core notification data is expressed with the Activity Streams [ACTIVITYSTREAMS-VOCABULARY] and Solid Notifications vocabularies.

A notification has the following properties:

  • One id property to identify the notification.
  • At least one type property indicating a specific type of activity (Activity Types).
  • One object property to identify the (topic) resource that the notification is about.
  • One published property to indicate the date and time of the notification.
  • Zero, one, or many target properties to identify the resource to which the activity is directed.
  • Zero or one state property to indicate the last known state of the resource.
Example: An update activity
  "@context": [
  "id": "urn:uuid:fc8b5af4-bd7e-4fd1-a649-afcbd0e1c083",
  "type": "Update",
  "object": "https://example.org/guinan/profile",
  "state": "128f-MtYev",
  "published": "2021-08-05T01:01:49.550Z"
Example: An add activity
  "@context": [
  "id": "urn:uuid:a4da6738-6be0-11ed-90bd-1be4ba6b6b33",
  "type": "Add",
  "object": "https://example.org/guinan/photos/image",
  "target": "https://example.org/guinan/photos/",
  "published": "2022-11-24T11:55:31.483Z"


This section details security and privacy considerations.

Some of the normative references with this specification point to documents with a Living Standard or Draft status, meaning their contents can still change over time. It is advised to monitor these documents, as such changes might have implications.

Security Considerations

This section is non-normative.

Subscription Servers and Notification Senders are strongly discouraged from exposing information beyond the minimum amount necessary to enable a feature. Subscription Clients are strongly discouraged from exposing information beyond the minimum amount necessary to subscribe to updates about particular resources.

Subscription Clients are discouraged from sending subscription requests to untrusted subscription services, including localhost or any other loopback IP address, in order to avoid making arbitrary requests.

Privacy Considerations

This section is non-normative.

Security and Privacy Review

This section is non-normative.

These questions provide an overview of security and privacy considerations for this specification as guided by [SECURITY-PRIVACY-QUESTIONNAIRE].

What information might this feature expose to Web sites or other parties, and for what purposes is that exposure necessary?
There are no known security impacts of the features in this specification.
Do features in your specification expose the minimum amount of information necessary to enable their intended uses?
How do the features in your specification deal with personal information, personally-identifiable information (PII), or information derived from them?
Access to subscription service and notification message are only granted to authorized access subjects. The subscription request, subscription response, and notification message content can contain any data (including that which identifies or refers to agents that control the Subscription Client and Notification Sender.) Meaningful consent to any personal data that Subscription Clients include about agents associated with themselves or topic resources of interest are extended to the Notification Receiver. Subscription Clients, Subscription Server, and Notification Senders are discouraged from exposing information beyond the amount necessary to enable or use a feature.
How do the features in your specification deal with sensitive information?
The features do not require sensitive information to obtained or exposed.
Do the features in your specification introduce new state for an origin that persists across browsing sessions?
Do the features in your specification expose information about the underlying platform to origins?
Does this specification allow an origin to send data to the underlying platform?
No. Description resources and subscription services are described within the framework of HTTP as RDF documents represented with the JSON-LD syntax. Subscription Servers and Notification Receivers might be able to redirect to other resources, (e.g., the https: URLs to file:, data:, or blob: URLs), but no such behaviour is defined by this specification.
Do features in this specification allow an origin access to sensors on a user’s device
What data do the features in this specification expose to an origin? Please also document what data is identical to data exposed by other features, in the same or different contexts.
No detail about another origin’s state is exposed. As the association between a resource and its description resource is at the discretion of the resource server, they can be on different origins [RFC6454]. Similarly, the origins of subscription service and the notification channel might also be different. When subscription servers, servers hosting the notification channel, and servers allowing connections to receive notifications participate in the CORS protocol [FETCH], HTTP requests from different origins may be allowed. This feature does not add any new attack surface above and beyond normal CORS requests, so no extra mitigation is deemed necessary.
Do features in this specification enable new script execution/loading mechanisms?
Do features in this specification allow an origin to access other devices?
Do features in this specification allow an origin some measure of control over a user agent’s native UI?
What temporary identifiers do the features in this specification create or expose to the web?
The subscription response content can contain a capability URL to protect the notification channel which is only exposed to authorized Subscription Clients.
How does this specification distinguish between behaviour in first-party and third-party contexts?
Not Applicable.
How do the features in this specification work in the context of a browser’s Private Browsing or Incognito mode?
No different than in the browser’s 'normal' state.
Does this specification have both "Security Considerations" and "Privacy Considerations" sections?
Yes, in Security Considerations and Privacy Considerations.
Do features in your specification enable origins to downgrade default security protections?
How does your feature handle non-"fully active" documents?
Not Applicable.


This section is non-normative.

This document is based on Solid Notifications Protocol, Version 0.2.0. A list of issues addressed, a diff from Solid Notifications Protocol, Version 0.2.0 to this latest version, as well as a detailed log of changes are available.

The following summary of editorial, substantive, and registry changes are classified using the W3C Process Document Classes of Changes [W3C-PROCESS]:

Changes since Solid Notifications Protocol, Version 0.2.0
Change Class Subject Description
1 Document Amend broken links, style sheets, or invalid markup.
2 Document Amend language and document details.
4 #DiscoveryClient Add DiscoveryClient as a new product class.
3 #discovery-client-resource-server-interoperability Replace Subscription Client–Resource Server interoperability with Discovery Client–Resource Server interoperability.
3 #discovery Update discovery description.
3 #resource-server-link-resource-description-resource Change intended consumer from SubscriptionClient to DiscoveryClient in #resource-server-link-resource-description-resource.
3 #resource-server-link-storage-description-resource Change intended consumer from SubscriptionClient to DiscoveryClient in #resource-server-link-storage-description-resource.
4 #resource-server-description-resource-response Add #resource-server-description-resource-response to require ResourceServer response content of the description resource uses the Description Resource Data Model.
3 #json-ld-format Change JSON-LD context and profile URI to https://www.w3.org/ns/solid/notifications-context/v1.
No changes to text content
Corrections that do not affect conformance
Corrections that do not add new features
New features
Changes to the contents of a registry table

Changes since earlier versions of the Solid Notifications Protocol are detailed in the changes section of the previous version of the Solid Notifications Protocol.


The Community Group gratefully acknowledges the work that led to the creation of this specification, and extends sincere appreciation to those individuals that worked on technologies and specifications that deeply influenced our work.

The Community Group would like to thank the following individuals for their useful comments, both large and small, that have led to changes to this specification over the years:

  • Aaron Coburn
  • Ángel Araya
  • Christoph Braun
  • Dmitri Zagidulin
  • elf Palvlik
  • Graham Klyne
  • Hadrian Zbarcea
  • Henry Story
  • Jackson Morgan
  • Jamie Fiedler
  • Jarlath Holleran
  • Joachim Van Herwegen
  • Justin Bingham
  • Kevin Howard
  • Kjetil Kjernsmo
  • Michiel de Jong
  • Pete Edwards
  • Rahul Gupta
  • Ruben Verborgh
  • Sarven Capadisli
  • Ted Thibodeau Jr
  • Tim Berners-Lee
  • Wout Slabbinck
  • Wouter Termont
  • దామోదర


Normative References

Activity Streams. James Snell; Evan Prodromou. W3C. 23 May 2017. W3C Recommendation. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/
JSON-LD 1.1. Gregg Kellogg; Pierre-Antoine Champin; Dave Longley. W3C. 16 July 2020. W3C Recommendation. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/json-ld11/
Protocol for Web Description Resources (POWDER): Description Resources. Phil Archer; Kevin Smith; Andrea Perego. W3C. 1 September 2009. W3C Recommendation. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/powder-dr/
RDF 1.1 Concepts and Abstract Syntax. Richard Cyganiak; David Wood; Markus Lanthaler. W3C. 25 February 2014. W3C Recommendation. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/
Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels. S. Bradner. IETF. March 1997. Best Current Practice. URL: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2119
Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax. T. Berners-Lee; R. Fielding; L. Masinter. IETF. January 2005. Internet Standard. URL: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3986
HTTP Extensions for Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV). L. Dusseault, Ed. IETF. June 2007. Proposed Standard. URL: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc4918
Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words. B. Leiba. IETF. May 2017. Best Current Practice. URL: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8174
Web Linking. M. Nottingham. IETF. October 2017. Proposed Standard. URL: https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc8288.html
HTTP Semantics. R. Fielding, M. Nottingham, J. Reschke, Eds. IETF. June 2022. Internet Standard. URL: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9110
HTTP/1.1. R. Fielding, M. Nottingham, J. Reschke, Eds. IETF. June 2022. Internet Standard. URL: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9112
Solid Protocol. Sarven Capadisli; Tim Berners-Lee; Kjetil Kjernsmo. W3C Solid Community Group. Draft Community Group Report, Version 0.11.0. URL: https://solidproject.org/TR/protocol
W3C XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) 1.1 Part 2: Datatypes. David Peterson; Sandy Gao; Ashok Malhotra; Michael Sperberg-McQueen; Henry Thompson; Paul V. Biron et al. W3C. 5 April 2012. W3C Recommendation. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema11-2/

Informative References

Solid Technical Reports. Sarven Capadisli. W3C Solid Community Group. 03 June 2024. Living Document. URL: https://solidproject.org/TR/
Solid Notifications Use Cases and Requirements. Sarven Capadisli. W3C Solid Community Group. 28 November 2022. W3C Editor’s Draft. URL: https://solid.github.io/notifications-panel/notifications-ucr
Self-Review Questionnaire: Security and Privacy. Theresa O'Connor; Peter Snyder. W3C. 16 December 2021. W3C Group Note. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/security-privacy-questionnaire/
W3C Process Document. Elika J. Etemad / fantasai; Florian Rivoal. W3C Process Community Group. 12 June 2023. URL: https://www.w3.org/policies/process/