Access Control Policy (ACP)

Version 0.9.0,

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This document defines the Access Control Policy Language (ACP). ACP is a language for describing, controlling, and granting access to resources.

Status of this document

This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication.

This document was published by the Solid Community Group as an Editor's Draft. The sections that have been incorporated have been reviewed following the Solid process. However, the information in this document is still subject to change. You are invited to contribute any feedback, comments, or questions you might have.

Publication as an Editor's Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C Membership. This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in progress.

This document was produced by a group operating under the W3C Community Contributor License Agreement (CLA). A human-readable summary is available.

1. Introduction

This section introduces ACP with an overview of key terminology, an explanation of the conventions used in this document, example graphs to illustrate basic concepts of resource access description and validation, a diagram representing the main elements of the ACP data model, and an RDF representation of the ACP ontology.

1.1. RDF terminology

This document uses the terms resource, property, RDF vocabulary, namespace, namespace IRI, namespace prefix, graph, IRI, literal, blank node, node, term, IRI equality and literal term equality as defined in RDF 1.1 Concepts and Abstract Syntax RDF11 CONCEPTS.

1.2. RDF vocabularies and namespace IRIs

This document uses the following RDF vocabularies and corresponding namespace prefix bindings:

Prefix Namespace

1.3. ACP terminology

This section is non-normative.

Context graph
Context graphs describe the attributes of resource access instances. An access request's attributes can be matched to sets of conditions defined in the form of an authorization graph in order to determine Access Modes granted over resources.
Authorization graph
Authorization graphs authoritatively define the conditions for granting Access Modes over resources through Access Control Resources, Access Controls, Policies and Matchers. The result of applying an authorization graph to a described instance of resource access is an access grant graph.
Access grant graph
Access grant graphs describe sets of Access Modes granted over resources in the context of resource access requests. Access grants are the result of access control resolution.
Access control resolution
Access control resolution describes the algorithm used to apply an authorization graph to a context graph in order to obtain an access grant graph.

1.4. Example graphs

This section is non-normative.

Throughout this document, color-coded boxes contain the RDF representation of example context graphs, authorization graphs, and access grant graphs serialized in turtle RDF11-TURTLE. Those graphs use a mix of IRIs and blank nodes where applicable to better show the range of possible representations.

The following example context graph describes an instance of resource access and could be translated as: "Bob is trying to read resource X using client application Y with their identity asserted by identity provider Z.".

# This box contains a context graph
# It describes an instance of resource access  

  acp:target ex:resourceX ;
  acp:agent ex:Bob ;
  acp:mode acl:Read ;
  acp:client ex:clientApplicationY ;
  acp:issuer ex:identityProviderZ .

The following example authorization graph defines the conditions of access to resource X and could be translated as: "Access to resource X is mandated by one Access Control that applies one Policy which allows access mode acl:Read when Alice or Bob are the agent trying to access resource X.".

# This box contains an authorization graph
# It describes the conditions required for accessing a resource  

  a acp:AccessControlResource ;
  acp:resource ex:resourceX ;
  acp:accessControl [
    a acp:AccessControl ;
    acp:apply [
      a acp:Policy ;
      acp:allow acl:Read ;
      acp:anyOf [
        a acp:Matcher ;
        acp:agent ex:Alice, ex:Bob ;
  ] .

The following example access grant graph is the result of applying the previous example authorization graph which defines access to resource X to the previous example context graph which describes a read access request to target resource X. Bob is matched as the context agent and since the policy allowing acl:Read defines no further restrictions, it is satisfied. The following access grant graph could be read as: "The access mode acl:Read is granted to Bob who requested read access to resource X using client application Y with their identity asserted by identity provider Z.".

# This box contains an access grant graph
# It describes in context the granted access over a resource  

  acp:grant acl:Read ;
  acp:context [
    acp:agent ex:Bob ;
    acp:target ex:resourceX ;
    acp:mode acl:Read ;
    acp:client ex:ClientApplicationY ;
    acp:issuer ex:IdentityProviderZ ;
  ] .

1.5. Data model

This section is non-normative.

The following diagram illustrates the main elements of ACP.

ACP Data Model

1.6. Ontology

All terms defined by the Access Control Policy Language are present in an RDF representation of the ACP ontology serialized in turtle.

2. Conformance

All assertions, diagrams, examples, pseudocode and notes are non-normative, as are all sections explicitly marked non-normative. Everything else is normative.

The key words MUST, MUST NOT, REQUIRED, SHALL, SHALL NOT, SHOULD, SHOULD NOT, RECOMMENDED, MAY, and OPTIONAL, are to be interpreted as defined in RFC 2119.

Only UPPERCASE usage of the key words defined in RFC 2119 have special meanings, as per RFC 8174.

3. Context Graph

This section introduces the ACP terms used to describe instances of resource access.

3.1. Context

Instances of the Context class describe instances of resource access.
Sub-properties of ACP attribute are used to describe instances of resource access.
The target attribute describes requested resources.
The mode attribute describes requested modes of access.
The agent attribute describes agents initiating requests.
The creator attribute describes creators of requested resources.
The owner attribute describes owners of requested resources.
The client attribute describes client applications used to request resources.
The issuer attribute describes identity providers used to assert the identity of agents requesting resources.
The vc attribute describes types of Verifiable Credentials (VC) presented as part of resource access requests.

3.1.1. Example Context

The following example context graph denotes instances of resource access initiated by Bob.

  a acp:Context ;
  acp:agent ex:Bob .  

The following example context graph means that Bob requests access to resource X using client application Y and with their identity asserted by identity provider Z; furthermore, resource X was created by Alice and is owned by Bob.

  acp:target ex:resourceX ;
  acp:agent ex:Bob ;
  acp:client ex:ClientApplicationY ;  
  acp:issuer ex:IdentityProviderZ ;
  acp:owner ex:Bob ;
  acp:creator ex:Alice .

The following example context graph denotes instances of resource access where client application X or client application Y are used and identity is asserted by identity provider Z.

  acp:client ex:ClientApplicationX, ex:ClientApplicationY ;  
  acp:issuer ex:IdentityProviderZ ;
] .

3.2. Context extensibility

Sub-properties of acp:attribute can be created to fit the specific access control requirements of applications.

3.2.1. Example Context extension

Let's imagine a property ex:tag defined as a an rdfs:subPropertyOf acp:attribute that would describe tags applied to requested resources. If such a property was defined, then the following example context graph would denote instances of resource access over resource X initiated by Bob where resource X was tagged ex:Music and ex:FavouriteRecord.

  acp:target ex:resourceX ;
  acp:agent ex:Bob ;
  ex:tag ex:Music, ex:FavouriteRecord .  

4. Authorization Graph

This section introduces the ACP terms used to control access to resources.

4.1. Access Control Resource

Instances of the Access Control Resource (ACR) class connect resources to their Access Controls.
The resource property connects ACRs to resources they control. It is the inverse of acp:accessControlResource.
The access control property connects ACRs to Access Controls.
The member access control property transitively connects ACRs of member resources to Access Controls.

4.1.1. Example Access Control Resource

The following example authorization graph means that access to resource X is controlled by both Access Controls B and C; furthermore, access to members of resource X is controlled by Access Control D; furthermore, member control is transitive, therefore, further members of member resources will also be controlled by Access Control D.

  acp:resource ex:resourceX ;
  acp:accessControl ex:accessControlB, ex:accessControlC ;  
  acp:memberAccessControl ex:accessControlD .

4.2. Access Control

Instances of the Access Control class connect Access Control Resources to their Policies.
The apply property connects Access Controls to the Policies they apply to resources.

4.2.1. Example Access Control

The following example authorization graph means that access to resource X is controlled by Policy C.

  acp:resource ex:resourceX ;  
  acp:accessControl [
    acp:apply ex:policyC ;
  ] .

The following two example authorization graphs both mean that access to resource X is controlled by Policy D and Policy E.

  acp:resource ex:resourceX ;
  acp:accessControl ex:accessControlB, ex:accessControlC .  

  acp:apply ex:policyD .

  acp:apply ex:policyE .
  acp:resource ex:resourceX ;
  acp:accessControl ex:accessControlF .  

  acp:apply ex:policyD, ex:policyE .

4.3. Policy

Instances of the Policy class connect Access Controls to allowed and denied Access Modes as well as sets of Matchers describing instances of resource access.
The allow property connects Policies to the Access Modes they allow if satisfied.
The deny property connects Policies to the Access Modes they deny if satisfied.
The all of property connects Policies to a set of Matchers, all of which MUST be satisfied for the Policy to be satisfied.
The any of property connects Policies to a set of Matchers, at least one of which MUST be satisfied for the Policy to be satisfied.
The none of property connects Policies to a set of Matchers, all of which MUST NOT be satisfied for the Policy to be satisfied.

4.3.1. Example Policy

The following example authorization graph means that Policy A will allow acl:Read for instances of resource access satisfying both Matcher B and Matcher C.

  acp:allow acl:Read ;
  acp:allOf ex:matcherB, ex:matcherC .  

The following example authorization graph means that a Policy will deny acl:Write for instances of resource access satisfying either Matcher B or Matcher C.

  acp:deny acl:Write ;
  acp:anyOf ex:matcherB, ex:matcherC .  

The following example authorization graph means that reading and writing resource X will be allowed for instances of resource access satisfying Matcher A and not Matcher B.

  acp:resource ex:resourceX ;
  acp:accessControl [
    acp:apply [
      acp:allow acl:Read, acl:Write ;  
      acp:anyOf ex:matcherA ;
      acp:noneOf ex:matcherB ;
    ] ;
  ] ;
] .

4.4. Matcher

Instances of the Matcher class are descriptions of matching Contexts.
In a Matcher, agent attributes define a set of agents, at least one of which MUST match the Context for the Matcher to be satisfied.
In a Matcher, agent attributes using the Public Agent named individual MUST match all Contexts.
In a Matcher, agent attributes using the Authenticated Agent named individual MUST match Contexts that contain an agent.
In a Matcher, agent attributes using the Creator Agent named individual MUST match Contexts where a defined creator matches the defined agent.
In a Matcher, agent attributes using the Owner Agent named individual MUST match Contexts where a defined owner matches the defined agent.
In a Matcher, client attributes define a set of clients, at least one of which MUST match the Context for the Matcher to be satisfied.
In a Matcher, client attributes using the Public Client named individual MUST match all Contexts.
In a Matcher, issuer attributes define a set of issuers, at least one of which MUST match the Context for the Matcher to be satisfied.
In a Matcher, issuer attributes using the Public Issuer named individual MUST match all Contexts.
In a Matcher, vc attributes define a set of types of Verifiable Credentials (VC), at least one of which MUST match the Context for the Matcher to be satisfied. A VC type present in the Context MUST be a valid VC presented as part of the resource access request.
Defined instances of the Always Satisfied Restriction class are used in Matcher restrictions to indicate that the restriction is always satisfied. The default behaviour of a Matcher is to not be satisfied, so this is the only way to make a Matcher always satisfied.

4.4.1. Example Matcher

The following example authorization graph means that Matcher A will be satisfied when either Alice or the owner of the access controlled resource are requesting access.

  a acp:Matcher ;
  acp:agent ex:Alice, acp:OwnerAgent .  

The following example authorization graph means that the defined Matcher will be satisfied when matched against a context graph where the client used to access the access controlled resource is client B.

  a acp:Matcher ;
  acp:client ex:clientB ;  
] .

The following example authorization graph means that Matcher A will be satisfied when matched against a context graph where the identity provider used to assert the identity of the agent requesting access to the access controlled resource is issuer B.

  a acp:Matcher ;
  acp:issuer ex:issuerB .  

The following example authorization graph means that the defined Matcher will be satisfied when matched against a context graph showing that a valid VC of type credential B has been presented by the agent requesting access to the access controlled resource.

  a acp:Matcher ;
  acp:vc ex:credentialB .  

The following example authorization graph means that matcher A will be satisfied only if either Alice or Bob are the agent requesting resource access and their identity was asserted by Identity Provider B.

  a acp:Matcher ;
  acp:agent ex:Bob, ex:Alice ;
  acp:issuer ex:IdentityProviderB .  

The following example authorization graph means that the defined matcher will be satisfied only if Alice, whose identity is asserted by Identity Provider B, is the agent requesting resource access and is doing so presenting a VC that is a valid instance of credential A.

  a acp:Matcher ;
  acp:agent ex:Alice ;
  acp:issuer ex:IdentityProviderB ;  
  acp:vc ex:credentialA ;
] .

The following example authorization graph means that Policy A denies Read and Write access to all clients but client C and policy B allows read to all clients. If Policy A and B control access to a resource, then anyone using client C will have Read access to that resource.

  acp:deny acl:Read, acl:Write ;
  acp:anyOf [
    acp:client acp:PublicClient ;  
  ] ,
  acp:noneOf [
    acp:client ex:clientC
  ] .

  acp:allow acl:Read ;
  acp:anyOf [
    acp:client:PublicClient ;
  ] .

4.5. Matcher extensibility

ACP implementations supporting sub-properties of acp:attribute other than the ones defined by ACP SHOULD also define and implement corresponding matching algorithms.

4.5.1. Example Matcher extension

Given the property ex:tag previously defined in the example context extension as a an rdfs:subPropertyOf acp:attribute that describes tags applied to requested resources; the following example context graph would mean that Policy 1 allows Read and is satisfied by instances of resource access initiated over a resource that was tagged ex:FavouriteRecord or ex:Wishlist.

  acp:allow acl:Read ;
  acp:anyOf [
    ex:tag ex:FavouriteRecord, ex:Wishlist ;  
  ] .

5. Access Grant Graph

This section introduces the ACP terms used to grant access to resources.

5.1. Access Grant

Instances of the Access Grant class define sets of Access Modes granted in particular Contexts.
The context property connects Access Grants to the Contexts in which they're given.
The grant property connects Access Grants to the Access Modes they grant.

5.1.1. Example Access Grant

The following example access grant graph means that Access Modes acl:Read and acl:Write have been granted to Alice for accessing resource X.

  acp:grant acl:Read, acl:Write ;  
  acp:context [
    acp:agent ex:Alice ;
    acp:target ex:resourceX ;
  ] .

5.2. Access Mode extensibility

The ACP specification does not define specific Access Modes. Instead, any Access Mode granted is an instance of the Access Mode class. Access Modes and their granularity can be tailored to the needs of an application and Access Modes defined in other vocabularies can also be used (for example, instances of ACL Access).

5.2.1. Example Access Mode

The following example access grant graph means that acl:Read and ex:Delete are Access Modes; furthermore, it means that acl:Read and ex:Delete have been granted to Bob over resource X.

  acp:grant acl:Read, ex:Delete ;  
  acp:context [
    acp:target ex:resourceX ;
    acp:agent ex:Bob ;
  ] .

6. Access Control resolution

This section introduces the ACP access control resolution algorithm for resolving permissions to access controlled resources.

6.1. Resolved Access Control

An ACP engine MUST grant exactly those Access Modes allowed by Effective Policies.

6.1.1. Resolved Access Control pseudocode

function resolveAccessControl(acr, ancestorAcrs, context) {
  const effectivePolicies = gatherEffectivePolicies(acr, ancestorAcrs)
  const allowedAccessModes = grantAccessModes(effectivePolicies, context)
  const grantGraph = {
      grant: allowedAccessModes

  return grantGraph

6.2. Effective Policies

Effective Policies are the Policies controlling access to a resource.

A Policy MUST control access to a resource if:

  • it is applied by an Access Control of an ACR of the resource; or,
  • it is applied by a member Access Control of an ACR of an ancestor of the resource.

6.2.1. Effective Policies example

The following example authorization graph means that access to resource X is controlled by both Access Controls B and C, access to resource X is therefore controlled by Policy E and Policy F. The member Access Controls are not taken into account at this level. Member Access Control D will be included in the effective authorization graph of resource X's members' ACRs both as an Access Control and a member Access Control. Therefore, Policy G will be part of the set of effective Policies controlling access to resource X's members and transitively to further members of member resources.

    acp:resource ex:X ;
    acp:accessControl ex:accessControlB, ex:accessControlC ;  
    acp:memberAccessControl ex:accessControlD .

    acp:apply ex:PolicyE .

    acp:apply ex:PolicyF .

    acp:apply ex:PolicyG .

6.2.2. Effective Policies pseudocode

function gatherEffectivePolicies(acr, ancestorAcrs) {
  const effectivePolicies = new Set

  // Direct access controls of own ACR.
  for (const accessControl of acr.accessControls)
      for (const policy of accessControl.appliedPolicies)

  // Member access controls of ancestor ACRs.
  for (const acr of ancestorAcrs)
      for (const accessControl of acr.memberAccessControls)
          for (const policy of accessControl.appliedPolicies)

  return effectivePolicies

6.3. Granted Access Modes

An Access Mode MUST be granted if and only if in the set of Effective Policies:

  • a satisfied policy allows the Access Mode; and,
  • no satisfied policy denies it.

6.3.1. Granted Access Modes example

The following example authorization graph means that access to resource X is controlled by Policy B and Policy C. Depending on the satisfaction of Policies B and C, different access modes will be granted.

  • If only Policy B is satisfied, then Access Modes acl:Read and acl:Write will be granted.
  • If both Policy B and Policy C are satisfied, then only Access Mode acl:Read will be granted.
  • If only Policy C is satisfied, then no Access Mode will be granted.
  acp:resource ex:X ;
  acp:accessControl [
    acp:apply ex:policyB, ex:policyC ;  
] .

  acp:allow acl:Read, acl:Write .

  acp:deny acl:Write .

6.3.2. Granted Access Modes pseudocode

function grantAccessModes(policies, context) {
  const allowedAccessModes = new Set, deniedAccessModes = new Set

  // Gather allowed and denied access modes from satisfied policies
  for (const policy of policies)
      if (isSatisfiedPolicy(policy, context)) {
          for (const mode of policy.allowedAccessModes)

          for (const mode of policy.deniedAccessModes)

  // Deny overrules allow.
  for (const mode of deniedAccessModes)

  return allowedAccessModes

6.4. Satisfied Policy

A Policy MUST be satisfied if and only if:

  • it references at least one Matcher via an acp:allOf or acp:anyOf property; and,
  • all of its acp:allOf Matchers are satisfied; and,
  • at least one of its acp:anyOf Matchers is satisfied; and,
  • none of its acp:noneOf Matchers are satisfied.

6.4.1. Satisfied Policy example

The following example authorization graph means that access to resource X is controlled by Policy A. Depending on the satisfaction of Matchers B, C, D, E and F, Policy A will be satisfied or not.

  • If either Matcher B or Matcher C are not satisfied, then Policy A will not be satisfied.
  • If neither Matcher D nor Matcher E are satisfied, then Policy A will not be satisfied.
  • If either Matcher F or Matcher G is satisfied, then Policy A will not be satisfied.
  • If both Matcher B and Matcher C are satisfied, and, either Matcher D or Matcher E are satisfied, and, Matcher F and Matcher G are not satisfied, then Policy A will be satisfied.
  acp:resource ex:X ;
  acp:accessControl [
    acp:apply ex:policyA ;
] .

  acp:allOf ex:matcherB, ex:matcherC ;  
  acp:anyOf ex:matcherD, matcherE ;
  acp:noneOf ex:matcherF, ex:matcherG .

6.4.2. Satisfied Policy pseudocode

function isSatisfiedPolicy(policy, context) {
  // If any 'none of' matcher is satisfied then the policy is not satisfied.
  for (const matcher of policy.noneOfMatchers)
      if (isSatisfiedMatcher(matcher, context))
          return false

  // If any 'all of' matcher is not satisfied then the policy is not satisfied.
  for (const matcher of policy.allOfMatchers)
      if (!isSatisfiedMatcher(matcher, context))
          return false

  // If any 'any of' matcher is satisfied then the policy is satisfied.
  for (const matcher of policy.anyOfMatchers)
      if (isSatisfiedMatcher(matcher, context))
          return true

  // At this point there are
  // - no satisfied 'none of' matchers,
  // - no unsatisfied 'all of' matchers and
  // - no satisfied 'any of' matchers.

  // Hence, the policy is satisfied if it has
  // - an 'all of' condition and
  // - no 'any of' condition.
  return policy.allOfMatchers.size !== 0 && policy.anyOfMatchers === 0

6.5. Satisfied Matcher

A Matcher MUST be satisfied if and only if:

  • it defines at least one attribute; and,
  • at least one value of each defined attribute matches the Context.

ACP engines MUST match the context attributes defined by this specification according to IRI equality and literal term equality.

6.5.1. Satisfied Matcher example

The following example authorization graph means that access to resource X is controlled by a Policy that will allow read if it is satisfied and be satisfied if either matcher A or matcher B or both are satisfied.

Matcher A will be satisfied if:

  • either Alice or Bob are the requesting agent or if the requesting agent is an owner or creator; and,
  • client 1 is used by the requesting agent; and,
  • issuer 2 is used by the requesting agent to assert their identity.

Matcher B will be satisfied if:

  • a valid VC of type "Family Member" is presented.
  acp:resource ex:X ;
  acp:accessControl [
    acp:apply [
      acp:allow acl:Read ;
      acp:anyOf ex:matcherA, ex:matcherB ;
] .

  acp:agent ex:Alice, ex:Bob, acp:CreatorAgent, acp:OwnerAgent ;  
  acp:client ex:client1 ;
  acp:issuer ex:issuer2 .

  acp:vc ex:FamilyMember .

6.5.2. Satisfied Matcher pseudocode

function isSatisfiedMatcher(matcher, context) {
  // An empty matcher is never satisfied.
  if (matcher.agents.size === 0 && matcher.clients.size === 0 && matcher.issuers.size === 0 && matcher.vcs.size === 0)
      return false

  // For each attribute, if any values are defined, then at least one of them must match the context.

  if (matcher.agents.size !== 0) {
      let isMatch = false

      for (const agent of matcher.agents)
          if (agentMatches(agent, context)) {
              isMatch = true

      if (!isMatch)
          return false

  if (matcher.clients.size !== 0) {
      let isMatch = false

      for (const client of matcher.clients)
          if (clientMatches(client, context)) {
              isMatch = true

      if (!isMatch)
          return false

  if (matcher.issuers.size !== 0) {
      let isMatch = false

      for (const issuer of matcher.issuers)
          if (issuerMatches(issuer, context)) {
              isMatch = true

      if (!isMatch)
          return false

  if (matcher.vcs.size !== 0) {
      let isMatch = false

      for (const vc of matcher.vcs)
          if (vcMatches(vc, context)) {
              isMatch = true

      if (!isMatch)
          return false

  // At this point, the matcher is satisfied because
  // - there was at least one defined attribute and
  // - at least one value of each defined attribute matched the context.
  return true

const publicAgent = ""
const authenticatedAgent = ""
const creatorAgent = ""
const ownerAgent = ""
function agentMatches(agent, context) {
  if (agent === publicAgent)
      return true

  if (agent === authenticatedAgent && context.agent !== null)
      return true

  if (agent === creatorAgent && context.creators.includes(context.agent))
      return true

  if (agent === ownerAgent && context.owners.includes(context.agent))
      return true

  if (agent === context.agent)
      return true

const publicClient = ""
function clientMatches(client, context) {
  if (client === publicClient)
      return true

  if (client === context.client)
      return true

const publicIssuer = ""
function issuerMatches(issuer, context) {
  if (issuer === publicIssuer)
      return true

  if (issuer === context.issuer)
      return true

function vcMatches(vc, context) {
  if (context.vcs.includes(vc))
      return true

7. Server implementation

This section introduces conforming resource server and ACP server requirements.

7.1. Conforming resource server

Conforming resource servers MUST provide ACP servers with resource access Contexts and MUST authorize resource access according to grant graphs produced by a conforming ACP server.

When responding to requests targetting access controlled resources, conforming resource servers MUST include a Link header with the rel value of acl and controlled resources' ACRs as the link target RFC 8288.

Conforming resource servers MUST provide ACP servers with sufficient resource membership information to resolve ancestor ACRs.

7.2. Conforming ACP server

When responding to requests targetting an ACR, conforming ACP servers MUST include a Link header with the rel value of type and the IRI as the link target.

When responding to OPTIONS requests targetting an ACR, conforming ACP servers MUST include a Link header for each supported Access Mode with the rel value of and the full IRI of the supported Access Mode as the link target.

When responding to OPTIONS requests targetting an ACR, conforming ACP servers MUST include a Link header for each supported attribute with the rel value of and the full IRI of the supported attribute as the link target.

Conforming ACP engines MAY be conforming resource servers.

The lifecycle of Access Control Resources SHOULD take into account the lifecycle of resources they control access to.


This section is non-normative.

Samu Lang provided a comprehensive review of the specification as well as the pseudocode sections.

The Solid Community Group would like to thank the following individuals for reviewing and providing feedback on the specification (in alphabetical order): Justin Bingham, Sarven Capadisli, Aaron Coburn, Pete Edwards, Samu Lang, Elf Pavlik, Henry Story, Ted Thibodeau Jr, Emmet Townsend.


Normative references

RDF 1.1 Concepts and Abstract Syntax. Richard Cyganiak; David Wood; Markus Lanthaler. W3C. 25 February 2014. W3C Recommendation. URL:
Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels. S. Bradner. IETF. March 1997. Best Current Practice. URL:
Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words. B. Leiba. IETF. May 2017. Best Current Practice. URL:
Web Linking. B. Leiba. IETF. October 2017. Proposed Standard. URL:
VC Data Model. Manu Sporny; Grant Noble; Dave Longley; Daniel C. Burnett; Brent Zundel; Kyle Den Hartog. W3C. 3 March 2022. W3C Recommendation. URL:

Informative references

RDF 1.1 Turtle. Eric Prud'hommeaux; Gavin Carothers. W3C. 25 February 2014. W3C Recommendation. URL: